November Board Meeting : 2018




Meeting opened at 6:10 pm

Board members present– Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam, Michael Preuit  & Linda Lattin

Board member absent – Chuck Allen ( JoJo Allen held Chuck’s Proxy to vote if needed)


Guests present Sherry Dallam, JoJo Allen, Mark Delaney & Catherine Looper

Approval of Agenda: added Collection Policy and talking to bank about direct pay

Motion to approve with additions made by Bryan, seconded by Linda.  Vote – 4/0


Secretary Report: Minutes from 9/24 & 10/2.  Motion to accept as submitted by Mike Dallam, seconded by Bryan.   Vote – 4/0


Treasurer’s Report:

P/L and Balance sheet were handed out.

Accounts Receivable has gone up due to merging of books.  There are still a lot of questions on the accounts.  Bryan read a letter from Steven Curtis about his bill.  There needs to be a complete accounting of each lot holder account.  Mike is going to work with Trish on this.

Mike read a Letter to Property Owners that will be going out in January.  Motion to approve letter as written by Chuck, seconded by Mike D.   Vote –  5/0

Discussed a Collection Policy, as recommended by attorney, Mike used some examples from neighboring HOA’s.  The draft was sent to attorney and he reviewed and made some suggested changes. We added all board members names to the bottom of the policy.   It was discussed as to who will police policy.  The treasurer and accountant will oversee this.

The Collection Policy will be placed under Rules & Regulations

Motion to approve by Linda, seconded by Mike P.  Vote – 4/0


A/R Summary was discussed again over the special assessment done in 2002.  According to our attorney the 4 lots that were involved in the lawsuit should not be assessed those fees.  Those lots are 150 Dandelion, 40 Coyote Ct., 350 Coyote Ct. & 440 Coyote Ct.  2 lots have paid fee and 2 had not.  The unpaid will be taken off and the 2 that paid will be refunded.

Besides the lots above, there were 9 other lots that were assessed the special assessment but when they sold the assessment wasn’t collected.  By law, we can not assess the new owners for previous charges, so those will have to be written off as well.


Bryan and Mike D. are going to meet with Trish and go over all the changes, collecting and billing.


Catherine Looper asked why the board treasurer doesn’t handle the accounting.   It has been with an accounting firm for sometime.


Went over letters from the attorney Graham Smith with clarification on quorum of members (150) versus lots (169).

Paid bills to:

  • JoJo Allen for supplies from annual meeting – $64.00
  • Mike Dallam for Solar lights for entrance sign – $700.10
  • Trish – August accounting – $337.44
  • Graham Smith attorney – $1110.00

Motion to pay bills by Mike P. seconded by Chuck.  Vote 5/0

Sent welcome letter to Rodney Pepper


New Business:

STR ( Short Term Rental) – Mike D. talked to John at Planning Dept.  on what is required and how to get notification when someone has been approved for one.  We have included the form on our HOA website under misc. documents.  So far 3 property owners have done forms.


Green Space Mitigation – Don Jackson said all we need to do is clean out shelf rock and contact Jerry Archuleta when done.  Need to do something with cattails in next 2 years.  We are out of grant after 2019.

Mike P. will take lead on this.


Direct pay – Linda will talk to Christy or Kelly at Bank of San Juans to see how to set up so property owners can do a direct payment to the bank for dues and fees.


Talked about rotating every couple months on who is checking the website emails.  Bryan will do till January then one of the other board members will do next 2 months.


Old Business – none

ARC – none

Next meeting is January 9th, 2019

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 pm