January 9th 2019 Meeting Minutes


January 9th, 2019

Meeting opened at 6:10 pm

Board members present– Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam, Michael Preuit, Chuck Allen

Board member absent – Linda Lattin

Guests present- JoJo Allen

Approval of Agenda: added talking to the lawyer Graham about possible letter from him to delinquent members.

Motion to approve with additions made by Chuck, seconded by Mike D.  Vote – 4/0


Secretary Report: Minutes from 11/14/18.  Motion to accept as submitted by Bryan, seconded by Mike D.   Vote – 4/0


Treasurer’s Report:

P/L and Balance sheet were handed out for 2018.

The Accounts receivable went up a little due to the accounting books being caught up from Larry Dicks old files.  Our QuickBooks is all caught up now since inception and the A/R reports, balance sheets, and P/L statements will be correct going forward.

We have 169 lots but just 149 owners accounts because of multiple lot owners.  62 are delinquent and 30 of those members that have not paid ever.  That means the majority of owners 87 pay their annual dues.

Motion to approve the P/L and Balance sheet by Bryan, seconded by Mike D..  Vote-4/0

Mike went through a few different packets that will be send out as part of the January annual mailings.  One to those who own multiple lots, one packet for those delinquent, and one packet for those who pay every year.

Trish is no longer the accountant for Holiday Acres as of the end of the year, she resigned November 16th, 2018 stating she will not work for HAPOA starting Jan 1, 2019.  She has given us her QuickBooks backups, all files, and a mail box key.  Mike Dallam has taken over the accounting for HAPOA for the time being.

We reviewed all bills-Trish last bill, Mike D. mailing bills, Holiday Acres state reg. fee and real estate annual fee.

Motion to approve by Chuck, seconded by Mike P.  Vote – 4/0

Mike also mentioned that we have to go back down to the bank and resign on the HA account, since he had to remove Trish.

Mike also got an extra mail key that was given to Bryan to keep.


New Business:

We talked about expenses that HAPOA has annually including shared space mitigation costs, annual filing fees, Annual meeting costs, sign lighting fees, computer/internet expenses, Insurance fees, Licenses and permits, postage fees, Printing fees, and Professional legal and accounting fees.

Graham the lawyer- Talk about him sending a letter.

Mike D. was going to send Graham an email asking him his thoughts on sending a letter to members who have not paid after 30 days have past.

We discussed objections to billing and how to handle them.  We talked about the letter to owners who have not paid and how it explains the lien process and our collection policy is part of the packet as well.  We talked about the 6 years on lien vs the statutory lien from title companies before a clean title can be transferred.

We discussed that no late fees will be charged to those members who have an outstanding balance if they pay by Feb.15th.

We are going to lean on Graham our lawyer to walk us through this process.

We talked about amending our bylaws and Mike D was going to talk to Graham about this in further detail, but he told us that the order of importance for the association is as follows: Covenants, Articles of Incorporation, By Laws, and then any rules or regulations.  So we want to confirm that we can change some of our By laws to reflect what our Articles state.

Particularly changing the quorum % language.  As more members pay it will be harder to make quorum if we need 50%, the CCIOA language states 20% is quorum.

Mike is also going to email Graham about some other Governance policies that need to be in place.

We talked about HA old files from a previous law firm going to be destroyed by the end of Feb, and we all agreed to obtain/pick up copies of those records from that law firm.

We talked about upcoming expenses we think we may have in the future.  We talked about hiring a manager in the future so as board members change they are not starting from scratch every time.  We talked about contacting Centurylink and getting the service a lot better in the valley of Holiday acres, Bryan will contact them.  We talked about a couple emails/contacts we got from a couple members on improving our cell phone coverage in HA and our internet services in HA.  They said they don’t get any cell coverage for phone calls and text messages are very spotty.  One member talked about it being a huge safety concern not being able to reach out for help if it’s needed.  Chuck is going to contact skywerx and Verizon to see what their future plans are for HA.

We briefly talked about proxy form word changes, but we will table that until a meeting later on.

We briefly talked about the direct pay, but since Linda wasn’t present and she had the information on it, we tabled that for a later meeting.


Old Business:

We talked about sign lighting and the solar issues we have been having when there is a full moon.  Mike D. is following up with manufacturer to get that problem resolved.


ARC – none

Next meeting is February 20th, 2019

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm