HAPOA Board Meeting 1-8-20


MINUTES FROM JANUARY 8TH, 2020.           

CALL TO ORDER: 6:02 pm.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryan Looper, Chuck Allen, Mike Dallam, Linda Lattin & Michael Preuit     


GUESTS: JoJo Allen, & Sherry Dallam

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Add pay bills.  Motion to approve by Bryan, seconded by Chuck.  Vote 5/0


Approval of November 18th, 2019 meeting

Bryan asked the minutes be sent in Word not PDF so it’s easier to post on the website.  Motion to approve by Linda, seconded by Bryan.  Vote 5/0


P/L & Balance Sheet received. Also received an updated list of past due property owners.  The list has gone down a lot since the beginning.

Pay Bills: Bud Smith, Graham Smith, Archuleta County for filings, reimbursed Bryan, Linda & Chuck for the annual meeting refreshments, reimbursed Mike D for postage and Chuck/JoJo Allen for the Child at Play signs.

Motion to pay bills by Bryan, seconded by Chuck.  Vote 5/0

Discuss updating Registered Agent with Colorado Sec. of State and Dept. of Real Estate. – Bud Smith is now the registered agent with the state.  We pay him $75.00 to handle this registration. Breaks down as $10.00 to Colorado and $65 for him to handle.  We talked about just handling in house and seeing what has to be done to be a registered agent.  Mike D. is going to look into that.  The registered agent for the Dept. of Real Estate is listed as Trish McInnelly, HAHOA’s former accountant.  Linda is going to see what has to be done for us to take that over as well.

   Approve 9 Governing Documents. We went over the documents and under unpaid assessments changed the time to 30 days consistently.  Will take our old collections policy and merge into the 9 Governing Documents.

Motion to pass with stated changes above made by Mike D., seconded by Bryan.  Vote 5/0

Approve letter to property owners – we will use template from past year and add the amendment passing, 9 Governing documents, Straw Poll, website, upcoming election and the open seats on both boards, the annual meeting date, dues & proxy.

Revisit dues – discussed and decided to leave at $65.00.  Talked about the suggestions received for improvements that money can be used for.

Wetlands maintenance, signs, fire hydrants maintenance, roads and trails to name a few.

Motion to dues made by Bryan, seconded by Mike P.  Vote 5/0


Mike D. will look into possibly investing, with the Reserve Fund, in a CD or Money Market Account to get a better return on the money.  We will revisit this at the March meeting.

Linda Wright’s lot is under contract.

We have received a vacation rental inquiry.

Connie Prunty asked for a fire hydrant map. 




Next Meeting is March 11th, 2020