HAPOA 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Holiday Acres Property Owners Association – 2021 Annual Meeting

September 11th, 2021

7:00 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. .

Board members present – Bryan Looper, Bill Noel, and Nathan Stretton present in person, and Mike Dallam and Lexi Alexander did not attend. Minutes taken by Bryan Looper, President.


Guests Present: JoJo Allen, Rega’s (2), Connie Noel, Catherine Looper, Anthony Jacobsen, Linda Lattin, J. Jones, Meg Wempe, Jack maxcy, Ed & Jan Berger, Julie Boyd, Charles Wenzel, Martin Schmidt.

We made Quorum: 169  lots we had 12 non voting members, we need 31 for quorum, we had 38 proxies and 49 votes.  Quorum was met.

Approval of Agenda: no changes to agenda, Bryan motion to approve Agenda, Bill seconded.  Motion passed 3/0.

Secretary’s Report:

-Approval of Special meeting minutes Aug. 24th, 2021.  No changes to those minutes.  Bill made a motion to approve the minutes from Aug. 24th, 2021. Seconded by Nathan Stretton.  Motion passed 3/0.

Treasurer’s Report:

-P&L and balance sheet:  Bill explained both the P& L and balance sheet to members, mentioned the expenses of a new PC to be able to run quickbooks properly.  We decided to keep things in house because it’s free of charge and other options were $100 + a month for an accountant.  Explained and answered questions of interest to the accounts and explained the transfer fees (properties sold and transferred) and the late fees costs.  Mentioned again that dues are due June 30th every year now so we can see who are voting members by the September annual meetings.  Talked about the 59% of past dues that were paid back to paying members approximately $50,000 total.

-Proposed 2022 Budge/approval- We decided to keep the annual dues at $65 dollars as we now have all the past legal issues behind us and we look forward to addressing some of the member suggestions on getting Holiday Acres green space updated with trails, walking paths, gates, markers, possible cluster mailboxes, gravel, standardized mailboxes, spring dumpsters, online payment options.  We went over each line item of proposed expenses and fielded questions on online payment options and the issues we are running into with security there.  We talked about the issues with having dumpsters put around the neighborhood and if paint or tires etc. are put into those dumpsters the trash companies will not pick them up, so we talked about policing the dumpsters.  We talked about the access to the 5 acres and the easement we have on the backside of Holiday acres.  We are trying to talk to homeowners in that area and have been having issues getting a hold of a homeowner back there, so we will consult our lawyers on next steps.  We talked about continuing the burn of cat tails in the lower greenspace/wetlands as well as volunteers to help to that.  We also need to eventually dig out and maintain the upper pond as well.   Motion made by Bryan to approve 2022 budget, seconded by Nathan. Vote 3/0 and motion passed.

-Approval of bills to be paid:

-Mike Dallam $46.10 postage for mailing of checks to membership 8/11/21

-Code by Curtis $630.45 to covert everything on the website to Word press 8/23/21

-UPS $118 Prepaid envelopes 8/23/21

-Davis Engineering $76.00 Survey of Easement of 5 acres by river 6/11/21

-Mike Dallam $53.20 check printing, recording fee for notice that documents may change hanging file folders as well.

Bryan made a motion to approve and pay the above bills.  Seconded by Bill. Motion passed 3/0.


Old Business:

-Due Date of HOA dues:  We referenced again that Holiday Acres annual dues of $65 dollars are due by June 30th each year or there will be a $10 late fee assessed.  This change has been in effect since 2018, so we will not be waiving any future late fees going forward.


New Business:

-New ideas for HAPOA improvements: walk paths in green space, mitigation of wetlands/greenspace, online payment option, cluster mailboxes, dumpsters, gravel.

-Election of board members -2 openings this year: Bryan Looper up for re-election and Mike Dallam to be replaced as he moved out of state.  Bryan wanted to extend a huge gratitude of thanks to Mike Dallam for all his past work and help with the association.  Bill extended his thanks as well.

Martin Schmidt stood up and said he has been her for 2.5 years now, he moved from Gunnison Colorado, has 45 chickens and 1 rooster.  He works for the town in the public works department and has experience in dealing with several issues that we had talked about.  He is excited to work with Holiday Acres home owners association if he is elected.

-We have 2 ARC openings with Larry dick and Lois Erickson.  Both up for re-election.

Bryan talked about Nathan Stretton and how last meeting Kari Prueit resigned for personal reasons and Nathan Stretton was appointed to the board.  Nate said he has 4 kids, born in raised in Pagosa springs.  Works with Davis engineering.  He looks forward to working with HAPOA on the board and will finish out Kari’s term which is another year.

Had three member volunteers count the ballots and the votes were:

Bryan Looper-40 votes

Martin Schmidt-38 Votes

Dale Erickson-1 vote

Chuck Allen-2 votes

Larry Dick (ARC) 42 votes

Lois Erickson (ARC) -42 votes

So the new elected board members are Bryan Looper and Martin Schmidt

The new elected ARCH members are Larry dick and Lois Erickson


Firewise Presentation by Bill Trimarco and Jo Jo Allen:

Talked about how several years ago Pagosa was clear cut and now it is extremely over grown.  He talked about the importance of fire mitigation to protect not only your home, but neighbors’ home and the entire subdivisions livelihood.  The talked about embers blown into homes and under decks etc.  that is what causes houses to burn down.  He said Holiday acres has approximately 150 trees per acre which is extremely high.  He will come out and do free consulting and has gotten a grant that can help pay back up to 60% of total costs that was paid to thin trees and to mitigate fire risk.  They are a non-profit and talked about donations from the association is what they survive on.  We have a section on our website holidayacres.org with contact information and how to mitigate information as well.  We suggest contacting JoJo Allen and or bill Trimarco to get put on a schedule to get your property looked at.

Open Forum:  Had a member talk about mail being taken from mailboxes and how it would be amazing if we can get a cluster mailbox put up.  We will contact the county and postal services to see how we can obtain and easement to get this done.

Member wrote in asking that we get vacant vehicles that have not moved in years cleaned up from properties to protect the home values of the neighborhood.  Also mentioned not putting in a walking path in the green space and especially not a concrete path.  Street signed fading within neighborhood, so contacting the county go get those replaced.  Not having ATV’s in the green space.

Member mentioned to keep your eyes out for hunting on others properties.  Mentioned and showed pictures of a couple deer that she believed were killed with a bow and arrow that was found dead on her property.

ARC Report: No reports

Next meeting tentatively set for November 10th, 7:00 pm via google meet.

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:51 p.m.