May Board Meeting : 2018


MINUTES FROM 05/02/2018

Meeting opened at 6:03 pm

Board members present: Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam, Chuck Allen, Linda Lattin

Board members absent: Sandy Nelson

Guests present: JoJo Allen, Sherry Dallam, Cathy Justus, Larry Dick

Agenda had two items added:

  • Insurance information
  • Bills to pay

Motion to approve made by Chuck, second by Mike   4/0 approved

Secretary Report:

Minutes were reviewed. Minutes approved. Linda didn’t vote since she was absent last meeting.

Treasurers Report:

Mike handed out a Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet for Jan – April 2018.

He handed out an A/R Aging Summary as of April 30, 2018 with a list of outstanding dues.  Discussion then took place on how to address these past due amounts and to credit Mr. Backus amount per the sign agreement.

Larry Dick gave us some history on how the sign agreement came about with the Backus’s on placement and lighting.

Mike handed out a draft of a letter that could go out to those property owners informing them of the outstanding balance. Bryan and Mike will work on this for next meeting.

New Business:

Approve invoice from Trish McInelly for $254.59.  Motion to approve by Mike, Linda 2nd passed 4/0

Approve cost of the Extension Building for the September 8th meeting $90.00. Motion to approve by Linda, Chuck 2nd passed 4/0

General Liability and Directors Insurance policies were discussed.  Mike had contacted both Mountain West (Glenda Parker) and State Farm (Truett Forrest) about possibly combining them instead of 2 companies.  Both agencies presented bids to combine.  State Farm came in at a savings of approx. $1176.00.  Motion to adopt new bid from State Farm and cancel Mountain West made by Chuck, Mike 2nd passed 4/0.

Website graphics – T Jay Carter vs Bill Hudson.  Proposals were presented from both.  The board went through both and discussed costs and what would be done by them.  The $90.00 & $70.00 fees for page builder and automatic backups were in both bids and required no matter who we use.  They were both comparable on costs for the work to be done.  After further discussion, Chuck made a motion to use T Jay Carter, Bryan 2nd passed 4/0.

Authorized the 20% deposit needed for T Jay Carter to start as per his proposal.  Bryan made motion, Chuck 2nd passed 4/0.

Late Fees vs No Late Fees.  The history of was given by Cathy and Larry as to how late fees came about.  There were no late fees before 2005.  Mike had a letter and invoices from Robert Wonderly.  He recently sold his place and wasn’t aware of the late fees or that the dues are mandatory until closing.  HB1276 refers to how to handle these fees and the time frame to work in on them.  The draft letter referenced in the Treasurers Report is what Bryan and Mike will be working on to keep us in legal requirements.

Larry said there used to be a welcome letter sent to all new property owners.  He is going to find us a copy.

Fire Mitigation information was given by Chuck.  He is going to post on board by mailboxes and have T Jay add to website as soon as he can.  Check & JoJo are the contact for any information about this.

Cathy Justus gave us a history of the subdivision starting about 1978 with Phyllis and Chuck Bogert as the developers.  Phyllis handled all the paperwork and Chuck was in subdivision everyday making sure you did it the way he wanted.  They had a daughter Cindy that was with them always.  When the first Mobile home was moved into the neighborhood Cathy contacted Phyllis because it was stated in the by-laws No Mobile Homes allowed.  Lawyers were contacted and it ended up in court in Durango.  The case ended up having 2 judges due to an illness of the first judge.  Judge Haus ruled against the HOA and the case was then taken to the Court of Appeals and lost again.  Much time and monies were put into this by several property owners.  Legal fees were upwards of $60,000 and worked down to $29,900 which is all paid off now.  It is why the special assessment was assessed to all property owners.

The No hunting issue was talked about and because it requires a 2/3 vote of all property owners and not everyone turned in their ballot it wasn’t able to get changed.

Talked about trying to change the vote of 2/3’s of all to 2/3’s of votes cast but will need to involve an attorney to start that process.

Larry brought 2 maps of the subdivision for all to see.  We looked over the maps, located the greenbelts and talked about river access.  Chuck is going to get copies made at Just Click It for the board to have.

Old Business: none

ARC Committee:

Larry talked about the Smuckers submission of a shop/garage on their property.  Approved their request 4/0

Next meeting will be July 11th @ 6 pm at 188 Coyote Ct.

Meeting adjourned at 8:47pm