July 2nd, Meeting Minutes


JULY 2nd, 2O19 @ 6 pm


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryan Looper, Chuck Allen, Linda Lattin, Mike Dallam


GUESTS: Larry Dick, Cathy Justus, Sherry Dallam, JoJo Allen, Giuseppe Margiotta, & Ron Cole

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: added March 7th minutes, added discussion on flag at entry, Firewise and annual meeting Motion to approval agenda made by Chuck, seconded by Bryan. Vote 4/0

SECRETARY REPORT: Approval of Minutes from May L’t meeting and March 7th as submitted, Motion to approve made by Bryan, seconded by Chuck. Vote 4/0

TREASURE’S REPORT: P/L & Balance sheet – were presented HOA dues received and still outstanding: we have 12 that normally pay but haven’t yet and 30 that haven’t paid at all.

Pay bills: Paid Graham Smith, check written 1088.00

Proposed 2020 Budget: discussed changes if needed. Fee on annual meeting location cost. Postage amount okay for this next year because Mike stock piled stamps before they went up. Motion to approve Treasures Report made by Bryan, seconded by Chuck. Vote 4/0

NEW BUSINESS: Emails from property owners are being answered by board members.

Larry Dick gave information to Dan & Julie where the greenbelts are and the grant that was awarded to the HAHOA.

Don Jackson says this is the last year to maintain per the grant.

Talked about the trail to river being rough and possibly upgrading it.

There are some corrections that need to be done on our website under ARC for the people listed.

New Owners – Jacob Atexander on Shenandoah, Randall & Krista Richter on Kinnikinnik, Dan & Julie Shehata on Stagecoach.

Firewise has changed name to Wildfire Adapted Partnership. Chuck & Jojo are the ambassadors for Holiday Acres. He asked that the name be changed on the website and also to add his submitted article to the website. He would like to include in the annual mailing also. Ron Cole asked about the benefit to our area and did we have this before, Chuck answered yes and explained how it works. Larry Dick asked what diameter can a chipper handle and how does the home owner get reimbursed. There is a 50% rebate on chipper. Chuck made a motion to change name and add submitted note to annual mailing, seconded by Linda. Vote 4/0

Flagpole at entry was requested by Mark Crain. Discussion about how this can be done and if the landowner will allow us to install a pole on his property for it. Bryan will talk to Mr. Backus about it.

The sign at entry needs varnished again. Bryan is going to get materials and do it.

Bulletin board at mailbox needs some work. Chuck submitted a drawing to improve this. He is going to check costs with Rusty LaRue to do.

Annual Meeting is September 7th at 6pm for social hour and the meeting will start at 7pm. Food and drinks were discussed. Bryan will get drinks, coffee, plates & napkins, Chuck & JoJo will get desserts and Linda will get fingerfoods. The budget was increased to 350, to plan on 100 people. Motion by Bryan, seconded by Chuck. Vote 4/0

OLD BUSINESS: Update on N Smith claim – no new information

ARC: The committee had 3 requests, 2 for trees to be cut down and 1 for a barn & 2nd home

Ron Cole asked about his dues check not being cashed yet. He inherited his father’s property recently. Because of what Ron had on check Mike Dallam will need to talk with Graham Smith (lawyer) about wording before cashing. Guisseppe Margiotta has same issue so Mike will ask about both. Ron Cole had some questions about our being a mandatory homeowners association and when it was established.

Adjournment: 8:07 Pm Next meeting is the annual meeting September 7th at 6pm – Extension Office County Fairgrounds