Holiday Acres Annual Property Owners Meeting Minutes 9/7/19

Holiday Acres Annual Property Owners Meeting Minutes September 7th, 2019 Archuleta County Extension Building

6 pm – 7 pm Social hour – light refreshments served

Call to order by: Bryan @ 7:06pm

Board Members Present/Absent: Bryan Looper, Chuck Allen, Mike Dallam, Linda Lattin & Michael Preuit

Guests: Peggy Goss, Catherine Looper, Butch Mackey, Jacob Alexander, Mark Driver, Ron Cole, Dee & Tom Halligan, Rodney Pepper, Julia Jones, Doug Carlson, Chris & Julie Boyd, Mary Jo Valentine, Neal & Nora Smith, Anthony Jacobsen, Dean Cox, Dean & Tina Jones, Sandy Nelson, Becky Highter, Billy & Nicole Cotts, Carlie Sweet, Cody Sweet, Steven Mahaffey, Josh Linhardt, Gabrielle Dorr, Mike Moore, Randy & Krista Richter, Guiseppe & Maureen Margiotta, Meg Wempe, Jim & Meryle Backus, Jason & Julie Watt, Alex Hall, Mike Rega & Cory Warden

Approval of Agenda: Added discussion of bus stop and Presentation from Wildfire Adaptive Partnership Motion to approve made by Linda, seconded by Chuck. Vote 5/0

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the 7/2/19 meeting: No changes or corrections Motion to accept made by Mike D., seconded by Bryan. Vote 5/0

Treasurer’s Report: P & L and Balance Sheet: was presented. Questions were asked by Dean Jones on the receivables and what are we doing about them. Mike Dallam explained all that has been done to collect them. Mary Jo Valentine asked why Legal Fund was so high. Wants to know if there is a better place for that money. We are getting so close to resolving this that hopefully we can get out of such a big legal fund. Corey Warden would like to get rid of legal fund and doesn’t want another lawsuit. Ron Cole read a prepared letter as to how he doesn’t believe we are legal. ( I have asked for a copy but he hasn’t sent it as of 9/17/19). Billy Cotts supports working together to find a median ground. Chris & Julie Boyd do not want dues, and believe a criminal issue exists. Becky Highter talked about other HOA’s. Mike Rega states we are 0/2 in legal and money wise have already spent a lot. Moving forward he can’t see it going anywhere. Neal Smith sited Statue 38-33-3.301, a section of CCIOA that doesn’t apply to Holiday Acres. There were several back and forth conversations in the room about voluntary vs. mandatory. Proposed 2020 Budget – presented Motion to approve made by Bryan, seconded by Chuck. Vote 5/0

Approve bills and pay new – Rent on meeting room $90.00, Website $36.75, Office Supplies $100.00, Graham Smith $559.00 Motion to approve by Bryan, seconded by Mike P. Vote 5/0 Discussion on amendments – Mike D explained that the phrase of retroactive has been removed from the new amendment going out. Mary Jo Valentine would like us to consider lowering the dues amount.

New Business: Election of board members – 2 openings Bryan Looper & Mike Dallam Election of ARC members – 2 openings Larry Dick & Lois Erickson Counting of Ballots – Bryan 31 votes, Mike 31 votes Larry 27 votes, Lois 27 votes Write in Mark Delaney 4 votes

Weed Spraying – Sherry Dallam read a letter sent by Cathy Justus about the dangers of the weed spraying. Bryan explained the county rules and if someone doesn’t want their property sprayed they have to call Ethan Proud at County Road & Bridge. Children at Play signs – Chuck & JoJo talked to Matt Archuleta at County R&B, they don’t provide signs but Design A Sign can make them for around $33.00. Chuck will get more information and get back to the board.

Presentation from Wildfire Adaptive Partnership – JoJo presented what WAP is and how it works. Things we can do to prevent fires in the subdivision.

Bus Stop – the bus stop is now at the mailboxes and the parents are asking if we can get an area of parking for them to use while dropping off or picking up the kids. A shelter was mentioned but didn’t sound like they would use it.

Architectural Review Committee: None

Old Business: None Adjournment: 8:38 pm

Next meeting is November 13TH