Fire Danger is HIGH-Be Prepared!

There were 37 fires last week in Colorado!! The closest was near Burns Canyon and water was helicoptered in from Echo Lake !!
It’s time to finish your preparations for winter. AND, time to calculate the volunteer hours of the properties here in our neighborhood !! Chuck and JoJO will be at the annual meeting on the 11th to talk about FireWise, to hand out information and forms…we need to get all the information together and turn it in before the end of September.
It should include hours of raking pine needles and debris from around homes, mowing, weed eating or brush hogging properties,
tree and oak mitigation, chipping, hauling to landfill and costs incurred…
ALL of this information will help Wildfire Adaptive Partnership continue to be able to have grants and refunds for people in our county to prevent wildfires . We don’t want another devastating year like last year !!!