HAPOA July 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

HAPOA Board of Directors Meeting – July 9th, 2021 via Google meeting at 7:00PM.

Meeting ID



Phone Numbers

(‪US)‪+1 617-675-4444

PIN: ‪623 022 431 2564#



  1. Call to Order
    1. Bryan Looper called the meeting to order via Zoom at 7:04PM.


  1. Roll Call
    1. Bryan Looper, Mike Dallam and Bill Noel Present. Kari and Lexi absent. 3 of 5 board members present. No guest present.


  • Open Forum
    1. No guests present.


  1. Presentation of Reports
    1. Treasurer’s Report – Mike Dallam shared about the Balance sheet and Profit/Loss sheet as of June 30, 2021 that was emailed to the HAPOA Board. There were no questions on the Balance sheet or P&L report. He talked briefly about the Resolution regarding the revenue ruling that our lawyers drafted up.  The payback is 59% to current owners who paid dues in 2019 and prior years.  Bill made a motion to approve the financials and mike seconded, vote 3/0.
    2. Bills to be paid are:

$66.00 to Altitude Community Law for advice on document to record about amending bylaws

$99.00 to Altitude Community Law to help draft dues return resolution

$76.00 to Davis Engineering about easement to river

$53.20 to Mike Dallam for printing dues return checks, recording fee, and file box and hanging files

Bill made a motion to approve the Bills and get them paid, Bryan Seconded, vote 3/0.

  1. Bill and Mike are to meet to go over the late fees and the letters to be sent to those home owners that are late on dues.
  1. Old Business
    1. No old business


  1. New Business
  2. A Resolution 07.09.21 of the Holiday Acres Property Owners Association regarding Revenue Ruling 70-604 Election. We talked about this letter/resolution our lawyers drafted on our behalf.    Bill made a motion to approve Resolution 07.09.21, seconded by Mike, vote 3/0.
  3. We have researched accounting costs since Mike Dallam will be leaving/moving. Prices of accountants ranged from $100-$300/month.  We have decided to keep account costs at $0 and keep it in house with Bill Noel taking the tasks of the Treasurer over from Mike.  We need to buy a computer for Holiday Acres property owners association that can be passed over to future Treasurers on the Board of holiday acres.  We all agreed the most cost effective/efficient thing to do is to purchase a Holiday acres association computer.  We want to keep the cost of the computer under $600 total.  Bryan made a motion to purchase a computer and monitor for holiday acres to download quickbooks and manage the accounting tasks of Holiday acres for years to come.  This was seconded by Mike Dallam and voted 3/0.
  4. Holiday Acres Property Owners Association (HAPOA) will request the Bank of the San Juans to give Bill Noel bank signing authority for all holiday acres property owners association accounts. HAPOA will also request the removal of Kari Preuit and Mike Dallam from bank signing authority.
  5. Worked on 2022 Proposed budget. We added trash containers for HAPOA use in the spring.  We kept online payment option and adjusted other budget items after reviewing costs in 2021.  We will continue to keep the annual fees at $65 per lot owned.  We will roll excess funds over to our Wetlands project to continue to build that up to get more work done on the Easternly ponds and the river access.    Bryan made a motion to approve the proposed budget for 2022, Bill seconded it, voted 3/0.
  • Adjourn
    1. Bryan Looper adjourned the meeting at 7:53 PM.


Submitted by Bryan Looper, HAPOA President, on 07/12/2021.

http://HAPOA July 2021 Board Meeting Minutes