January Board Meeting Minutes : 2018


MINUTES FROM 01/09/2018

Meeting opened by Linda Lattin at 6:05. pm.

Board members present: Bryan Looper, Chuck Allen, Mike Dallam, Und Lattin Sandy Nelson arrived at6:20

Opened nominations for officers
Chuck Allen nominated Bryan Looper for President. Discussion followed and it was decided that Bryan would be President, Chuck Vice,;President, Mike Treasurer, Linda Secretary and Sandy as board member, at large.

Voted 4/0 (Sandy had not arrived yet)

Guests present: Sherry Dallam, JoJo Allen, Nicole Looper, Kathryn Looper and Trish (ARC)

Secretary Report: Minutes of the November 16th., 2Ol7meeting were looked at and approved. Added website to agenda because it got left off by mistake under new business

Treasurer’s Report: Reviewed the financials from last year’s meeting; No changes or corrections. They had been voted on at Novembers meeting so no vote taken Chuck Allen will check with the Bank of the San Juans to see what’s needed and make sure the board signature cards are on file and active. He will also get statements of the accounts that we have;

New Business:
We talked about the resolutions that are in place and decided since there wasn’t many we didn’t need to research any further.

Fire danger and clutter was the next topic. Chuck talked about concerns of how things could go if a fire was to happen in the neighborhood and that keeping property clean and cleared of clutter would help a lot. County Nuisance laws were discussed and the board is going to get a copy to review;·

The greenbelt properties are the board’s responsibility, but we feel it’s important to -let all property owners know the dry conditions and what could happen.

Chuck will draft a letter to the owners for the next meeting about the danger. –

Linda is going to contact Cathy Justus to see if she has the map of the subdivision so the new board can get familiar with it.

Website: We all felt it needs to be updated and more user friendly. We will be looking into options on improving it.

Getting all property owners information updated

Scheduled next meeting on March 9th, 2018 at 188 Coyote Ct. (Bryan Looper residence)

ARC: Trish read a letter from Jason Appleton about the little house issue. It appears to have been a misunderstanding and he assures the board that it wasn’t intended to be a “tiny house” just a shed.

Talked about containers and how to address that issue. Chuck will talk to Larry and draft a letter in the future on this issue.

Removal of trees was taken care of and no other new business presented.

Old Business:
Bryan and Mike will meet with Trish Mclnelly-Burkholder to get familiar with what all she does and how Mike can take over some of that work as Treasurer.

We need to get the state registration number and confirm it’s up to date and make sure the board is doing what is required by law.

Mike will also be doing research on CC&R’s from other associations.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32

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